Cursing Israel

“The End of America” (p. 279) quotes Jesse Jackson, before last fall’s election, saying that an elected President Obama would make ‘fundamental changes’ in US foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East, where “decades of putting Israel’s interests first” would end. Jackson said that Zionists will lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House… ‘Barack will change that…he knows how Muslims feel.” How has that worked out so far?

Any fair observer will acknowledge that Jackson’s prediction is being fulfilled, weekly. The most recent anti-Israel actions by this White House include: a.) the appointment as Co-Chairman of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board of a former US Senator (Chuck Hagel) with a “long and troubling record of hostility to Israel”; b.) The release by the U.S. State Department of the 2009 International Religious Freedom Report in which Israel is accused of “oppressing” others by following orthodox Judaism; c.) Secretary of State Clinton in Morocco criticized Israel, saying “As the President has said on many occasions, the United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israel settlements”. What lies ahead for America’s relationship with Israel? God promises he will “curse” those who “curse” Israel (Gen. 12:3).