Israel Caves In to US Pressure

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly promised that he would not stop Israel’s permits to allow new housing permits in East Jerusalem. Why did he make those strong assurances? Besides the fact that any sovereign nation has the right to decide how its nation’s housing will be permitted and built, Netanyahu was only continuing Israel’s long-standing policy of allowing housing starts in an area of Jerusalem that it never intends to give up in future “peace” negotiations.

But something happened. This week PM Netanyahu caved. He folded. The Associated Press reported that “the procedures for approving new housing have been put on hold”. On March 9, Vice President Biden was embarrassed in his visit to Israel which apparently coincidently coincided with an announcement of new housing permits in east Jerusalem. The Obama Administration reacted (some may legitimately say – over-reacted) to the new housing permits. Secretary of State Clinton and Special Envoy George Mitchell attacked Israel for its sovereign authorization of housing in its own borders. Clinton was reported as giving Netanyahu a 43 minute “tongue lashing”. Imagine our reaction if the nations of the world attacked Mayor Bloomberg for granting new housing permits in Harlem.

But, after Mitchell made a hurried trip to Israel, things changed. Secretary of State Clinton and other Administration officials suddenly “made nice” with Israel, assuring Israel that Washington’s security commitment to the small Middle Eastern nation was “unshakable”. Really? Shouldn’t Israel worry about an ally which vacillates from harsh condemnation to “unshakeable” support? What did Mitchell say to Netanyahu? It hasn’t been reported yet, but we can assume that whatever the former Senator said to Israel’s leader, it was quite effective.

Sovereign Israel has allowed another sovereign nation to tell it what it can do within its own borders. The tip off to what is going on was this line from the Associated Press article on Netanyahu’s reversal/cave-in: “The quiet halting of east Jerusalem housing approvals coincides with signs that talks are now about to start…Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signaled Monday he was ready to start indirect talks with Israel after weeks of hesitation.” One doesn’t have to be particularly politically astute to see that the Obama Administration has exerted maximum pressure on Israel, and on Palestinians, to make them agree to begin “indirect talks” for the purpose of a “Peace Treaty”.

Why is this important? When Israel signs a peace treaty with its enemies, as an American Christian or Jew, you should be making preparations to emigrate out of America. See “THE END OF AMERICA” for more details (Pp. 295-300). Once Israel makes peace, which PM Netanyahu said in January of this year would surely happen within two years, the prophetic stage will be set for the next major end times event. Ezekiel tells us that once Israel is “dwelling peacefully”, that it will only be a matter of time before the Ezekiel 38/39 land invasion by Russia, Iran and their named allies. The Daughter of Babylon/America will default on its military defense agreement (p. 321) with Israel, stabbing Israel in the back, which will directly lead to its destruction in one day, one hour, one moment. This week, with Israel’s caving in on its sovereign rights over its own land, the world, and America/Daughter of Babylon, have moved yet another step closer to the next stage of the end times. Jesus told us to “watch”, thus, watching these events unfold, and understanding their meaning for our lives, is our Lord’s command.