This blog will be short and very much to the point.


In about two weeks the United Nations will consider creating a new nation – the State of Palestine. Most of its land will be carved out of….yes….the State of Israel. America’s best friend in the Middle East. For some months now America has been pressuring Israel to give up its land, with the threat that if Israel won’t agree to do so, America won’t stop the UN from just taking the land in the creation of the State of Palestine.

Our Almighty God is a God of linkage. What does that mean? If we sin we bear the consequences. If we give with a generous heart we will be blessed in various ways. If nations bless Israel, they will be blessed. If nations curse Israel, they will be cursed. (Genesis 12:3)

At the same time that the White House has been exerting its maximum threats on Israel, what has been happening in the US? Record months of stifling heat, unheard of in our recorded history. Just a coincidence? Earthquakes near Washington, DC, an area of the nation with no similar history of seismic activity. Just a coincidence? Now what the President called today an “historic hurricane” bearing down on….what? New York City, the site of the United Nations, at which further nefarious deeds against Israel are planned for mid-September. Just a coincidence?

Ask yourself this simple question – what additional action by God will be necessary to get Americans’ attention to what our government is doing to curse Israel? He’s been using historic heat and drought, unprecedented earthquakes and now, again, dangerous hurricanes. What else will it take? Pr