America’s Guilt in God’s Court and Our Sentence

In a lengthy interview on a radio show last night the host Pastor shared with me his firm conviction, which he received as he was delivering a recent sermon, that America has been found guilty in the Court of Heaven. He shared with listeners that two other Watchmen who attended the April Vero Beach conference recently told him that they had come to the same conclusion that a guilty verdict has been rendered by the Judge of the universe.

Our discussion last night of this conclusion then led us to look at how the courts on earth handle the question of guilt, followed by the sentencing of the criminal defendant. Once the criminal defendant is found guilty by the jury, affirmed by the judge who refuses to set aside the verdict, the defendant generally remains free on his bail bond. During the time after the guilty verdict is handed down by the court the defendant is interviewed by prison and probation employees. The interviews not only cover medication, personal needs, etc., but also seek to determine if the defendant exhibits true repentance for the crimes committed or merely shows remorse for getting caught.

Then, later, sometimes several weeks later, the judge conducts a sentencing hearing and takes into account the various reports, and also listens to what the defendant has to say. Within sentencing guidelines the judge has discretion as to how long the defendant will be incarcerated. If the case is a capital crime, the judge may decide whether the defendant will be executed. How the defendant repents, or if the defendant repents at all, will bear heavily on the final sentence imposed. Any convicted defendant who tries to argue that he is innocent, in spite of the guilty verdict, can be assured of a heavy sentence.

Thus, if the three Watchmen are correct that God has rendered a verdict finding America guilty (a verdict which would be fully consistent with the evidence), then we are now in the period prior to the sentencing hearing. How, and if, America repents, even at this late date, following earthly concepts of sentencing, will determine the length and severity of our nation’s sentence.

The period of time between the verdict and the sentencing hearing is generally a few weeks. We should pray that, even at this late date, American Christians will humble ourselves and pray, and seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, trusting God to hear from heaven and heal our land (II Chronicles 7:14), i.e., with a lighter, lesser sentence, and hopefully not execution. Do we deserve a harsh, even fatal, sentence? Seventy million dead American babies would say yes, had they not been slaughtered before they could speak. But, we can still plead for mercy from the source of all justice. The Israelites cried out on one occasion when the Philistines were coming over the sand dunes, repenting of their sins and asking God to spare them, which He did.

Soon, the sentencing hearing will occur. At the sentencing hearing, once the reports are before the judge and the testimony is in, the judge hands down the sentence. Instantly, the previously free defendant is no longer free as he is handed over to the U.S. Marshal (in federal court) or to the Sheriff (in State court), who then handcuffs the defendant and takes the defendant immediately to prison, to serve his or her sentence or to face execution. The defendant is no longer free. There is then no more time to repent once the sentencing hearing is over. How much more time do we have before that divine sentencing hearing? Only the Creator and Judge of the universe knows. May God have mercy on our nation.

God’s Watchmen are Re-Assigned

It was a meeting that only the Lord could have arranged. Twelve men from across the US, from Utah to Wisconsin to South Carolina to Texas to Florida, and points in between. Except for a handful who knew one or two others, most had never met the others who were present. What did these Christians have in common? Each had labored for years in America as Watchmen (Ezekiel 33:7), calling out to their fellow countrymen, urging II Chronicles 7:14 spiritual repentance and healing of our land. The Watchman who called the meeting, arranged on just three weeks’ notice for some and as little as three days for others, felt led of the Lord to call his brethren together. Though common in their call to be Watchmen, they had no organization, nor membership, nor even a name for the assembled group. Just twelve humble (referred to by an attendee as ‘God’s B Team’) servants of the Lord, seeking together to discern: a.) why were we called to be there, b.) what was God doing in America today and c.) what does the future hold for America? A fairly heavy agenda for twelve men who a month ago had no idea that such a meeting would occur.

Within a few hours of worship, prayer, discussion, laughter and, yes, tears, the assembled Watchmen had arrived at a clear, unanimous consensus. Are you sitting down? As God’s Watchmen in America for the last several years (as far back as 36 years in one case), we all agreed that God was done with calling America to repent and to turn back to Him. Finished. No more need for His Watchmen to be burdened calling out to a nation that didn’t want to hear, in any case. Could He still heal the land, as promised if His people repent? Of course. But, God is no fool. He is long-suffering, but He’s not going to forever and ever suffer a people who have little interest in obeying His Word. The blood of seventy million dead babies aborted in America cries out from the ground. This is the nation that used its money to threaten other nations forcing them to change their laws to allow abortion, or they would not receive US foreign aid. The result since Roe v. Wade? Over one billion human beings aborted worldwide.

After helping Israel in its 1948 re-birth, we now treat the only true democracy in the Middle East with contempt, and threaten it with loss of US support if it defends itself against the coming nuclear threat from Iran.

One participant, with over twenty years of service as a Watchman, dramatically demonstrated where we are spiritually today. Quoting from Jeremiah 19, he dropped a water container to the floor, mirroring what Jeremiah did with the potter’s flask. God asked Jeremiah to drop the flask to demonstrate to selected leaders of Israel that God was fed up with Israel for forsaking Him and for their willful sins, including filling “this place with the blood of innocents.” Jeremiah was told to declare that the “days are coming, declares the LORD, when this place shall…be called…the Valley of Slaughter…I will make void the plans of Judah and Jerusalem and will cause their people to fall by the sword before their enemies, and by the hand of those who seek their life…I will break this people and this city, as one breaks a potter’s vessel, so that it can never be mended…I am bringing upon this city and upon all its towns all the disaster that I have pronounced against it, because they have stiffened their neck, refusing to hear my words.”

Several of the Watchmen later said that the dropping of the water vessel at our meeting mirroring Jeremiah 19 was a scripture-based visualization of what the Lord was telling us as Watchmen that He had in mind, what He was doing now and a picture of what was soon to happen in America, a much blessed nation, which refuses to hear His warnings.

But, though our assignment as Watchmen may now be over, we all agreed that we believed that we had been re-assigned. In the new nations to which we are soon to move, it will be our job to share the Gospel with those truly interested in hearing God’s Word, with the edification of the saints being the most important thing we can now do!

What is about to happen in America? Prophecy tells us that in the Daughter of Babylon, before its destruction caused by its betrayal of Israel, there will be great civil unrest, violence in the streets and bloodshed. “They shall growl like lions’ cubs” (Jeremiah 51:38). “Violence is in the land, and ruler is against ruler.” (Jeremiah 51:46). Believers will be harassed and slain. “Strangers have come into the holy places of the LORD’s house.” (Jeremiah 51:51). “For in her was found the blood of the…saints”. (Revelation 18:24). Remember these verses in the days ahead.

Without getting into all of the details, several present at the meeting either had experienced dreams or knew of others who had, all centered on the coming burning of America, with widespread violence and eventual bloodshed. All came seeking wisdom from God and their brethren as to imminent emigration offshore. We discussed scriptural warnings to flee the Daughter of Babylon and God’s distinct leading on some to do so. Though not being covered by the media, hundreds of thousands of Americans are doing exactly that. How long will that door remain open? Only God knows. This is clearly a matter for fervent prayer. For those who feel led to flee (Jeremiah 50:8; 50:16; 51:6; 51:9; 51:45; 51:50; Revelation 18:4; Zechariah 2:7 and Isaiah 48:20), waiting could be waiting too long.




The United States is now just about half a year away from the most important national election in our lifetime. That’s because how America will treat Israel in future years will be determined in large part by the outcome of the Presidential election. How America treats Israel will determine how God treats America. Simple as that. Genesis 12:3 is God’s promise of blessings on those who treat Israel well and cursings on those who treat Israel badly.

For students of prophecy, and those who have read THE END OF AMERICA, they understand that the 223 verses written by five Old and New Testament Prophets describing the Daughter of Babylon/Babylon the Great, can only truly apply to America. What do those prophecies have to do with the Presidential elections of 2012?

The 223 verses prophesy that a rich, powerful and influential end times nation will betray Israel and be destroyed because of its treachery to God’s favored nation. See the thirty clues behind the ‘mystery of the identity’ of this nation listed in THE END OF AMERICA. Any fair reading of the clues quickly reveals that they can only apply to America. For example, is any other nation in the world “the great voice”, or “the hammer of the whole earth”? Does any other nation have a substantial Jewish population outside of Israel and America? Is any other nation the ‘center of world commerce’ or the site where the nations of the world “stream to meet”? Only the US matches God’s clues that he has provided to help us discern the identity of this great and powerful nation that doesn’t survive to see the last of the final days.

In the lifetime of most Americans the nation was never led by a US President who might turn against Israel, our major ally in the Middle East. Until now. A second term of the incumbent President would position him to fulfill the prophecies of a leader of the Daughter of Babylon/Babylon the Great who refuses to come to Israel’s defense when its invaded by Iran and Russia and other nations which are now Muslim (Ezekiel 38/39).

Realizing that many readers prefer to read novels in order to see what is happening in the world, even though in a fictional setting, I have recently finished writing SECOND TERM. The book is available on Amazon in softback and on Kindle. Here’s the text of the back cover to give you an idea of the contents of the book.


A Novel of America in the Last Days

“POTUS is down! OH, NO!…Repeat, the President….is down!”

“Appears to be an upper front shot…bleeding...he’s behind the podium …on the

platform.….Protocol SkyHook. STAT! ….Full perimeter. STAT, STAT.”

With these frantically shouted words Secret Service Agent Steve Quinn was only

confirming what hundreds of thousands of day viewers could see with their own eyes –

the President had been shot and was down.

Normally, viewership of a day-time Presidential speech outside of DC would not be

extensive, but this was no normal day. The elections were just eleven days away, and

this President was behind in virtually all of the polls, except for CBS, which gave him

a lead so thin that the poll’s margin of error dwarfed the purported lead. Clearly, the

question of the re-election of this President was in doubt. That is, his re-election was in

doubt before the bullet sliced through his right shoulder.

SECOND TERM is an exciting, yet frightening, look at what could happen after

the re-election of an American President committed to fundamentally change America.

Once re-elected, never to face the voters again, what would the President do to keep

his promise, in his next four years? Would he lead the fight to abolish Americans’

right to keep and bear arms? Would he lead the Congress in banning ‘hate speech’,

including criticism of public officials? What would his newly-created green-shirted CCC

Conservators do to deny Americans their Constitutional rights?

With no holds barred, SECOND TERM, in three volumes, peers into the future

of an end times nation viewed through the lens of Biblical prophecy. Will violence in

the streets and religious persecution fulfill what Prophets foresaw centuries ago? Will

America stand by or betray Israel? Is America’s future revealed in the Bible?

SECOND TERM is fiction. Or is it?

Christian House Publishing, Inc.

Political Fiction/Prophecy/Israel

US $15.95 / $16.10 Can

The Amazon and Kindle cost is only about $8.00, which I have set low in order to insure that as many folks as possible read it. The book is book one of a trilogy based on the 223 verses of prophecy described in great detail in THE END OF AMERICA. I would be interested in your reaction to the book if you get the chance to read it. God bless.



What Happened to the UN Drive to Create Palestine?


It wasn’t very many days ago that the world’s attention was focused on the then upcoming United Nations fall session at which Palestine was supposed to be created by the UN. The mainstream media was focused on the move by Hamas and other Middle Eastern enemies of Israel to obtain a binding UN Resolution carving the State of Palestine out of the State of Israel.

Prime Minister Netanyahu was shuttling to the U.S. to meet with our President, who was not so subtly twisting Israel’s arm to get it to agree to the land takeover. Talk show hosts were arguing over how and when the UN would create the world’s newest nation.

It appeared that everything was in place – the Palestinians had ignored purported requests that they not push for the UN to act. The UN appeared to be ready to act. The media were poised to celebrate the bold move by the UN stealing land away from a sovereign nation to create a nation that never was a nation. So what happened?

Imagine if any other group of people in the world were seriously suggesting that they could take land away from an existing nation, because they wanted to – because they wanted to form a new country. Any other nation but Israel would cry out for help to ward off the interlopers, and the world would come to its assistance. Is that what happened to stop the drive for a new State of Palestine? Did world pressure kill the land grab?

Far from it. The European Union, the Vatican, the Muslim nations and some Latin American nations were all united in calling on the UN to do what the Palestinians asked for – to take from one nation to start up another. World pressure was at a fever pitch for it to happen.

So, again, what happened to put a pin in the balloon of formation of the State of Palestine?

Politics. American election politics. American 2012 Presidential election politics.

World News Daily has reported what happened behind the scenes:“The Obama administration told the Palestinian Authority it cannot significantly help advance a Palestinian state until after the 2012 presidential elections, a top PA official told WND.

The official, however, said the U.S. will press for a Palestinian state quickly if President Obama is re-elected.


"The main message we received from the U.S. is that nothing will happen in a serious way before the 2012 elections," said the official. The PA official said Obama "will not accept the Palestinian request of a state at the (U.N.) Security Council and cannot help on the ground for now. We were told to wait for Obama's reelection, and that before then nothing serious will happen for a state," the official continued. "But after the reelection, the U.S. said the schedule will be short to reach a Palestinian state."


The upset election of Republican Bob Turner to replace retiring Congressman Anthony Weiner in New York sent enough shivers through the White House that the Obama Administration pulled the plug on the Palestinian plan to create a new nation in 2011. How the President was mistreating Israel was a major issue in the special election campaign. The district that had not elected a GOP candidate since 1923. Once the results were in the vote totals spelled an end to a new State of Palestine, that is until after next year’s Presidential election. If the President is elected to a Second Term, he can be expected to keep his promise to dismember the land and take from Israel to give to the new nation of Palestine. We are all warned accordingly.




This blog will be short and very much to the point.


In about two weeks the United Nations will consider creating a new nation – the State of Palestine. Most of its land will be carved out of….yes….the State of Israel. America’s best friend in the Middle East. For some months now America has been pressuring Israel to give up its land, with the threat that if Israel won’t agree to do so, America won’t stop the UN from just taking the land in the creation of the State of Palestine.

Our Almighty God is a God of linkage. What does that mean? If we sin we bear the consequences. If we give with a generous heart we will be blessed in various ways. If nations bless Israel, they will be blessed. If nations curse Israel, they will be cursed. (Genesis 12:3)

At the same time that the White House has been exerting its maximum threats on Israel, what has been happening in the US? Record months of stifling heat, unheard of in our recorded history. Just a coincidence? Earthquakes near Washington, DC, an area of the nation with no similar history of seismic activity. Just a coincidence? Now what the President called today an “historic hurricane” bearing down on….what? New York City, the site of the United Nations, at which further nefarious deeds against Israel are planned for mid-September. Just a coincidence?

Ask yourself this simple question – what additional action by God will be necessary to get Americans’ attention to what our government is doing to curse Israel? He’s been using historic heat and drought, unprecedented earthquakes and now, again, dangerous hurricanes. What else will it take? Pr


Netanyahu Caves to Obama Pressure

During the last several weeks, while Washington was focused on the debt/budget crisis the world was not focused on Israel. However, those who know that God is alive and well and keeping His promises every day, have been wondering over these last few weeks what the US must be doing behind the scenes to Israel. The US has been an oven of judgment, with record heat levels never before seen in its recorded history and unprecedented financial woes. God promised He would bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel (Genesis 12:3). Well, two days ago we obtained a glimpse into why the US has been under such an obvious strong arm of rebuke.

Arutz Sheva (Israel National News) revealed, for the first time, (Headline – Netanyahu Concedes to Obama) that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has now agreed to meet with Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, to discuss a peace agreement “based on the 1949-1967 borders”, if the Palestinian Authority agrees to drop its threatened move to have the UN in mid-September create a Palestinian State. Remember that Netanyahu told President Obama in May that if Israel is forced to give up its land back to the 1949 armistice lines, which were in effect in 1967 when Israel prevailed in the Six Day War, that Israel would have “indefensible borders”. The Obama Administration has been pressuring Israel since May, apparently, to get the tiny nation to violate God’s warning not to give up its land.

With this revelation (only reported in the US by Fox News and ignored by the New York Times, the purported newspaper of record), we now can have some knowledge as to why 2011 has not been a good year thus far for the United States. The economy has declined, the weather is sweltering and rating agencies threaten to downgrade the US, raising interest rates for all Americans.

The threat by the Palestinian Authority to obtain a UN Resolution creating a new State, and grabbing Israeli land to do so, could be stopped immediately by the US, if America would give a hard, irrevocable commitment that it would veto such a move in the Security Council, thus preventing the Resolution from being brought before the General Assembly. Unfortunately, the US has refused to give its “total commitment” to such a veto, according to Arutz Sheva. What that simply means is that the US is threatening its best friend in the Middle East with a newly created Palestinian State, putting teeth in its pressure on Israel by refusing to give its “total commitment” to stop the UN from taking Israel’s land. What kind of friend treats another friend with such a feckless lack of support? The Israeli news service put it this way:

“In a seeming concession to President Obama, the Prime Minister now is willing to meet with Abbas on condition that the Palestinian Authority withdraw his plan to go the United Nations.”

If the US would simply state that it will irrevocably veto any UN Resolution to create a Palestinian State, this manufactured crisis would be over. Why won’t the US do so? Arutz Sheva (which usually has the inside news on what the US is doing to Israel days before others) put it this way:

“The “peace process” has been dead for two years, if not longer, and is buried underground in the view of most analysts. The attempt to dig it up and resurrect it may be at the behest of United States, which has suffered a sharp decrease in its influence in the Arab world since President Obama’s failure to follow up with results on the ground after his “reaching out to Muslims” speech in Cairo two years ago.”

Think about that for a moment. The Obama Administration appears to be willing to throw Israel under the bus by forcing Israel to give up its land, rendering its borders indefensible, in order to increase US “influence in the Arab world” and to show “results on the ground” after his pro-Arab world, anti-Israel speech in Cairo two years ago. That is a scary thought for anyone who knows that God is very serious about Israel, that He loves Israel and that He won’t put up with mistreatment of Israel, by anybody, or by any nation.

What are the results of America’s ‘summer pressure’ on Israel? The world’s super power is described by the leader of Russia as a “parasite” on the world economy; Moody’s suggests it is about to downgrade US credit ratings; the Dow drops 1,000 points in just days; cities swelter in record-breaking heat; the national economy is stalled and may go into a second recession; the national government looks to be broken; and local governments are broke. Why are these many troubles happening? US government pressure on Israel to capitulate by turning over its land is an obvious answer. If ever prayer for Israel were needed, now is the time. Pray for the Peace of Israel – Psalm 15:5 and Galatians 6:16.



On the eve of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to the US last Friday President Obama took center stage to say words about Israel that no prior American President had ever uttered. He referred to Israel’s role in the land that God gave to the nation as an “occupation”. He said that “Israel can never live in true peace as a Jewish state if it insists on “permanent occupation”. True, Jimmy Carter has taken to using similar words attacking Israel, but only after he left the White House, never when he was the nation’s Chief Executive. In addition, as has been widely reported, the President called on Israel to give up its land that God gave to them when they were attacked in 1967. Later, under attack from critics, the President claimed that his proposal for Israel to give up its land acquired in 1967 was not an original idea. He’s partially correct, as George H. W. Bush (41) proposed in Madrid that Israel cut itself in two and give up its land as a part of a Two State Solution”. The very next day the ‘Perfect Storm’ blew through President’s Bush’s house in Kennebunkport, Maine.

The next day after the President proposed that Israel surrender its sovereign land he met with PM Netanyahu in the Oval Office. The photos of the encounter spoke volumes, as the President slouched in his chair, obviously dismissive of his guest, whom he stood up for dinner in his first year in office. The PM spoke eloquently of Israel’s desire to survive and forcefully pointed out that under the Obama proposal Israel would be “indefensible”. Think of this for a moment. If a major world power were to dictate to the United States that it give back the land it acquired since 1776, or even since 1817, how would we react?

A Multivortex Warning?

The Obama speech was the obvious culmination of several weeks of plans by the Administration to attempt to force Israel to give up and give in. The speech answered the question many Christians have been asking over the last few weeks: what is the US doing to curse Israel behind the scenes that we don’t know about, and the results of which have been history-making devastation by tornado and flood? Now we know. The Joplin tornado was the strongest on record, with winds over 200 mph, and a “rare multivortex tornado, with two or more smaller intense centers of rotation orbiting the larger funnel”. Americans and America are being harmed by our nation’s actions against Israel. Genesis 12:3 promises blessings for those who bless Israel and curses for those who curse Israel. The verse doesn’t say – ‘except for the US, of course, because it’s so exceptional’.

Where are these anti-Israel American efforts headed? To New York City in mid-September, 2011. The world, with American behind-the-scenes backing, is planning to create in about one hundred days the State of Palestine by UN resolution. Don’t forget that George W. Bush (43) planned to announce a capitulation by Israel to US and world land surrender demands in mid September 2008, before that is, God had His say, and the news out of New York City was of financial collapse, not Israel’s collapse. We should shudder to think of what will happen if the UN/US go ahead and actually form a nation claiming Israel’s land as its own.

Second Term?

God confirms in His word that he raises up and He takes down leaders of the world’s nations. No national leader is in power by accident. IF President Obama is God’s instrument for judgment on America, IF he is, then no power on earth can defeat him next November for re-election. Frankly, 2011 is shaping up as the campaign year that wasn’t. Usually the year before a national election is a major season for building the electoral machine to capture the White House. Where are today’s Ronald Reagans? In politics the old saw is still true –‘you can’t beat somebody with nobody’. The Republican Party will eventually select a nominee to oppose President Obama, but where is that person today?

Certainly not very apparent. The quite obvious threat to Israel of an Obama second term was summed up in this week’s editorial cartoon in the Jerusalem Post. It showed the President and Israel’s walking together, with the President telling Israel’s leader “If I’m re-elected, I’ll crush you like a steam locomotive”. The PM’s reply is “If you’re re-elected, I’ll lie down on the tracks and wait for it.”

If there is a Second Term, there is every indication that Israel will pay a heavy price in lost land, lessened security, and a coerced “peace” treaty, with the stage set for a future Russian-Arab invasion (See Ezekiel 38-40), a treacherous betrayal by the US and American destruction. The slope that our nation is now on is slippery indeed. God’s people must be aware of the high stakes involved. The future lives and well being of millions are on the line.

AUTHOR’S NOTE – The Author and his wife are leaving this week end for an intensive Spanish language school in Latin America, followed by a lengthy visit to two Latin American nations. We are taking these actions in obedience to the Biblical warnings covered in depth in THE END OF AMERICA. We’ll be posting what we learn in the appropriate forum once we are located and able to do so. Prayers are appreciated. Adios.

Tornadoes and Treaties

Tornadoes and Treaties

Readers of THE END OF AMERICA, as well as Bill Koenig’s EYE TO EYE – FACING THE CONSEQUENCES OF DIVIDING ISRAEL, know that God is more than serious when he warns earthlings that they will be cursed if they curse Israel (Genesis 12:3). America has historically benefitted from blessing Israel, as God has made good on the first part of Genesis 12:3, that He will bless those who bless Israel. However, since George Bush 41 first proposed that Israel give up its God-given land, America has been pummeled by various “natural disasters”, usually setting records for their ferocity. The recent tornadoes sweeping across America’s south eastern states set historical records. Over 342 people dead; one twister traced along an amazing 320 mile path; over 300 actual tornadoes tracked and documented.

Those who understand that God is a God of linkage, i.e., that we always reap what we sew, are wondering what the US must be doing in these days to pressure Israel? Frequently in the past, America has tried to force Israel to give up its land, in actions taken largely behind the scenes, and not generally known to the public. That is sadly the case in these days, also. Just days ago, the New York Times revealed that a major global effort is underway to cause the United Nations General Assembly in mid-September of this year to adopt a resolution “welcoming the State of Palestine as a member” of the UN. What areas are proposed to be included in this brand new nation? The Times revealed that the fledgling nation would “include all of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem”. Wow. That’s quite a takeover. Israel currently has a significant percentage of its population living in the West Bank in various decades old settlements, as well as in East Jerusalem. It has no residents in Gaza, of course, because it unwisely in 2005 under PM Sharon decided to try and give up its “land for peace” in Gaza, under intense US pressure. Bush 43 and Secretary of State Rice succeeded in getting Israel to make the Israeli residents of Gaza homeless, followed immediately by Hurricane Katrina doing the same thing in the US.

What is happening is a not very subtle variation of the old “squeeze play”. Israel is being intensely pressured by the world, as the Times stated in its headline: Time for Israeli Offer May Run Out as Palestinian State Nears Recognition. Essentially, what the United States and its Arab nation friends are saying to Israel is ‘give us your best giveaway of your land, so we can make a peace treaty, taking that land, or otherwise, we’ll just take it by way of UN resolution recognizing the new State of Palestine, and shoving you off the land’. What makes the United States think we can avoid the impact of Genesis of 12:3? What gives America the right to force a sovereign nation to give up its own land to others?

What will Israel do? The Wall Street Journal recently disclosed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is bending under this intense (behind the scenes) international pressures. The Journal reported: “Mr. Netanyahu, on the defensive internationally amid a Palestinian drive for United Nations recognition of statehood, is expected to unveil an Israeli peace initiative in an address in Washington next month before a joint session of Congress.” Very few national leaders are ever invited to speak before the US House and Senate. The fact that Israeli’s leader has been invited to do so is a sure indicator that the US is behind this latest effort to make Israel give back what God has given to His chosen people.

Anyone who wonders what America has done to Israel to invite His recent powerful expression of dis-satisfaction, need only read behind the headlines. Watch what PM Netanyahu reveals in his Congressional speech in May on Capitol Hill. Watch for what else will happen to the US as a result of our obvious increasing pressure on Israel. But particularly, watch the UN in mid September and see what the divine response will be. In mid-September 2008 President Bush planned to announce in Manhattan at the UN that Israel had agreed to give up part of its God-given land. Instead, Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers made the headlines, as the US economy hit the wall. The Times in their article said that “All eyes are on the General Assembly in the fall”. Our eyes should be also, as we pray that US efforts against Israel will come to naught.

Is the Earth Nearing Delivery?


During the birth of our two youngest children I was privileged to be present, and to participate, in a sense, by watching the meter on the fetal monitor. As the meter moved higher I warned my laboring wife of a new birth pang. She, of course, was quite well aware of the increasing birth pains, and assured me that she knew what I was happening in her body. As the hours wore on, the pangs increased in number, frequency and intensity, all a part of God’s created way to deliver a new earthling. Not having directly experienced the pain of bringing a child into the world, nevertheless, it was instructive to watch how it works, especially in light of what Jesus told us about birth pangs.

In Mathew 24 we read: 3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” 4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.”

Thus March has been a ‘tri fecta’ month under Mathew 24. We have witnessed 1.) earthquakes (one today in Asia); 2.) accelerated war in Libya; and 3.) famine in parts of Japan for people unable to obtain food. In addition, some Muslim leaders have claimed that the Mid East uprisings are the work of the awaited Caliph, whom they claim is in the world, and orchestrating world events. We live in interesting times, times foretold millennia ago.

Let’s look at just one of the warned birth pangs that the Lord said would be a sign of the coming end times – earthquakes. Fox News noted recently that four recent earthquakes in the world all took place in areas in which fault lines had not previously been identified. Earthquake statistics available from the U.S. Geological Survey. Go to the agency’s website and you may be struck by the map linked as Latest Earthquakes in the World, which shows a world map with recent earthquakes, with the color blocks corresponding with showing earthquakes within the last week, day and hour. 367 are identified in just the last 7 days. Many are small, of course, but today’s was 5.4 on the Richter Scale, not insignificant.

Since Jesus confirmed that earthquakes are like birth pangs, increasing in number, frequency and intensity, how has the world’s ‘birth labor’ been progressing? How close are we to a ‘delivery’? Well, from AD 1 to 1800 there were eleven major recorded earthquakes, for an average of one per every 100 years. From 1900 to 2000 there were ten major earthquakes (defined as 7.0 or higher), for an average of one every ten years.

From 2003 to 2007 there were 29 major earthquakes – one every 49 days.

In 2008, there were 12 major earthquakes – one every 37 days.

In 2009, there were 16 major earthquakes – one every 22 days.

In 2010, there were 24 major earthquakes – one every 15 days.

2011 is well on its way to more major earthquakes than in 2010.

As I would have told my wife, “Honey, the fetal monitor shows another big one coming, and the last one was only six minutes ago.”

Let’s be clear. Prophecy tells us that there are still several events that must happen before the end, and the return of the Lord. The end, the ‘delivery’ of the earth by the return of the Lord, will not come until every jot and tittle of prophecy is fulfilled. The wars and earthquakes, etc. will happen, and are all signs of His soon coming, but they are not the end. So what’s left still to happen? Here is the End Times Time Line from “The End of America”.



· MAY 14, 1948 – ISRAEL REBORN – THE FIG TREE BUDS (Matthew 24:32-34)



(Genesis 12:3)


(Ezekiel 48:14 and Joel 3:2)






ISRAEL – FAILS TO HONOR MILITARY DEFENSE AGREEMENT (Jeremiah 51:35 and Lamentations 4:17)


· DAUGHTER OF BABYLON/AMERICA DESTROYED (Jeremiah 51:49; Revelation 18)


· ISRAEL BUILDS TEMPLE (Ezekiel 40-44)



· (Pre-trib Rapture) (John 14:3; I Corin. 15:51,52)

(Scripture presents one Rapture. Scholars differ as to its pre, mid or post-Tribulation timing.)



· (Post trib – pre-wrath Rapture)

(I Thessalonians 4:13-17)



(“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.”) (Matthew 24:22)


As world events continue to unfold, as Christians, we know that a.) God knows it all ahead of time and has warned us ahead of time; b.) we are not given the spirit of fear; c.) God is a god of perfect timing; and d.) the end will happen just as He said, but not exactly as we, being finite, may expect. The end will happen for His purposes, in His timing and to His glory. Praise the Lord.

(Earthquake Data from U.S. Geological Survey and Dr. Cecil Boswell)



Egypt is mentioned in the Bible an amazing 674 times. Why? Its strategic historical and geographical locations make it like no other country in the world. As we watch increasing violence and bloodshed on television feeds from Cairo, we have to wonder where this all fits in prophetic scripture. First, though, let’s look at how Egypt was used by the Lord in the history and formation of Israel.

In Israel’s early history the nation decided that instead of leaning on God for its protection, it would make peace treaties with other nations, including Egypt,, even though He told them not to do so. Isaiah and Ezekiel recounted God’s view of Egypt at that time:

“Look, I know you are depending on Egypt, that splintered reed of a staff, which pierces the hand of anyone who leans on it! Such is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who depend on him.” (Isaiah 36:6)

“Then all who live in Egypt will know that I am the LORD. You have been a staff of reed for the people of Israel. When they grasped you with their hands, you splintered and you tore open their shoulders; when they leaned on you, you broke and their backs were wrenched.” (Ezekiel 29:6 and 7)

Media interviews this week with Israeli officials, some on background, revealed what is becoming increasingly obvious – that Israel’s 32 year reliance on its Camp David Peace Treaty with Egypt may soon come to an end. One Egyptian protestor was quoted as saying “Camp David made Egypt a slave to Israel”, revealing the smoldering resentment in Egypt over its Israeli non-aggression stance for the last three plus decades. Jihadists hate Israel and want it destroyed. The best way to strike at Israel? Work to remove Egypt’s pro-western leader and exert ‘street pressure’ so that Egypt’s new leaders will be men who are willing to abrogate the 1979 Camp David accords, and re-position Egypt as an active enemy of Israel.

Will Egypt, Israel’s peace treaty partner, prove to be a staff of reed? A walking pole that is actually a thin, breakable reed? The chance that a new Egyptian leader who comes to power as a result of street protests and who is in political league with the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s best organized alternate political power, upholding the Camp David Peace Treaty is negligible, to say the least. Israel will soon be forced to re-deploy its armed might to also cover its southern flank, which for three decades it could ignore. Ominous times indeed for Israel.

What is even more frightening, though, is how Israel’s other partner in the Camp David Peace Treaty, the United States of America, has behaved in the last few days, as Egypt captured the World’s attention. The President of the United States took less than a week to declare that the leader of America’s best friend in the Arab world had to leave office and give up power “NOW”. The former Israeli Ambassador to the United States in an interview with Fox News asked “If the US President treats Egypt like this, what can Israel expect in the days ahead?”

Indeed. Prophecy tells that a rich, powerful and influential end times country, the Daughter of Babylon (a/k/a Babylon the Great) will some day “betray” Israel, and will not come to its defense when it is invaded by Iran (Persia) and Russia (Gog of Magog) and other nations that are now all Muslim, though these prophecies were all given long before Muhammad was born. (See Ezekiel 38 and 39 for details of the invasion). Before the betrayal by the Daughter of Babylon, Israel must live in peace. Fresh from seeing its valued Camp David Peace Treaty abrogated, expect to see Israel willingly embrace a new US brokered peace treaty. Israel, Ezekiel tells us, will dwell in safety and peace, that is until Gog and Iran and Libya, et al, come sweeping down from Israel’s north to kill, plunder and seize Israel. At that point, Israel will again learn, as it has in the past, that when it leans on any man or nation, instead of on the Lord, their ‘backs will be wrenched’. Pray that Egypt will uphold the Camp David Peace Treaty. That now seems unlikely, but nothing is impossible with God.