American Media’s View of Israel

What do America’s media really think about Israel? Comedian Jon Stewart recently made this joke on his show:

“Let’s begin tonight with a bit of media news. You may remember that a seat in the White House press room became available a few months back when Helen Thomas retired after telling Jews to leave Palestine and go back home to Germany. Ironically, Thomas’ retirement led to a territorial dispute over who would get her tiny, purely symbolic piece of land.”

Tiny? Yes. Purely symbolic? That may be what America’s media think, but it’s certainly not what the Bible tells us God thinks. He even says in Jeremiah 31:7 that Israel is the “greatest of the nations”. So much for “American exceptionalism”!! In our eyes we Americans pridefully believe that our nation is #1. In God’s eyes, He has a different view. We harm Israel at our great peril (Genesis 12:3).

So what has the US been doing to Israel since mid-April when it sent Special Envoy George Mitchell to Israel to inform Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel will have to give up its nuclear weapons (besides part of its land) as the price for peace? The Gulf Oil Spill and the great Tennessee floods started the very next day.

What America has been doing is not good. America’s President met with Netanyahu in the Oval Office for a widely publicized photo op, but what’s happening behind the scenes, away from the cameras, is frightening. “Peace talks” between Israel and its Arab foes are now indirect. The Obama Administration is pressing for direct, face-to-face talks. The New York Times recently reported that the US has obtained a promise by Israel that it will continue its moratorium on new construction permits in its own land, in exchange for direct talks with Palestinians. Expect an announcement of direct “peace talks” before the end of September.

Lurking in the background is America’s broken promise to Israel that it would not sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Resolution which criticized Israel for its nukes. The Times reported that “some in Israel viewed it (America’s broken promise) as a sign of the unreliability of the United States, Israel’s most important ally.” Will we be a reliable ally, or will we invite another “divine sign” of retribution for harming the apple of God’s eye – Israel? Our prayers need to be that this Nation will never betray Israel. If we do, it will be THE END OF AMERICA.