In mid 2009 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu predicted that Israel would arrive at a peace agreement with its Palestinian neighbors “within three years”. On Monday, December 28th Israeli officials let it be known that PM Netanyahu would shortly announce that Israel would agree to a new two year US brokered peace process under which Israel would agree to give up its ‘land for peace’. That’s well within Netanyahu’s earlier predicted three years.

Why is this significant? The Daughter of Babylon/America will stab Israel in the back and refuse to come to its defense, when it is attacked by Russia, Iran and other Muslim nations, as prophesied in Ezekiel 28 and 29. Ezekiel tells us that the invasion will happen when Israel is at peace. (“A land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety” Ezekiel 38:8) Ezekiel says in 38:11 that the invasion will be of “a peaceful and unsuspecting people”. Those prophesies don’t describe Israel today, except that they have been re-gathered, but they are definitely not at peace.

Netanyahu believes that Israel will be at peace with the Palestinian Authority on before the end of 2011, only two years from now. How long after that peace agreement will Russia and Iran wait before they invade Israel? Only the Lord knows, as there are no prophecies indicating how long Israel will be ‘at peace’ before it’s at war, and then in that war betrayed by its only ‘friend’ among the nations, the United States of America, a/k/a the Daughter of Babylon. Scripture confirms that the Daughter of Babylon will itself be destroyed for its “treachery” against Israel. (Jeremiah 51:35; Genesis 12:3)

When should God’s people make plans to emigrate/flee, as Jeremiah, Zechariah, Isaiah and John warned God’s people living in the Daughter of Babylon? In light of these new timelines coming from Jerusalem and Washington, DC, it’s not too early to start making plans, researching our options and praying for wisdom and ability to flee.

Israel in the Cross-Hairs

Though Israel is generally in the news, in the last few days Israel has been in the world’s cross-hairs. Former Brit PM Tony Blair, now assigned to force a Middle East “peace agreement” announced Sunday that unless Israel agrees to give up its land there “will be one **** of a fight”. Tellingly, he also said that he had met with Israeli PM Netanyahu and that “Israelis are prepared to change significantly their posture on the West Bank.” Netanyahu recently gave in on new settlements in Judea and Samaria.

During the same time period, it has become increasingly obvious that the US will not force Iran to stop enriching uranium, and is not willing to line up pressure on Iran via sanctions from other nations. Also, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, traveled to South America to line up support against Israel from Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil and Ecuador. On Tuesday, Sweden announced that it would try to get an EU declaration that East Jerusalem was the capitol of the Palestinian Authority.

Since Israel is the only nation in the world whose very right to exist is challenged, under US led world pressure of this nature, must wonder how much longer Israel will resist giving up its land and signing a peace agreement? Recently the former PM’s Office Director of Israel warned that Netanyahu is a “squeezable man” who will give in to pressure. In his first term, Netanyahu gave up the ancient city of Hebron, where Abraham and many of the patriarchs are buried.

The actors are in place on the world stage to fulfill prophecies written many centuries ago. These are exciting and dangerous times.

Why the Hurried Meeting?

A funny thing happened to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu this week. The PM was on his way to the US to speak to the Jewish Federation of North America. Just hours before his departure from Israel the White House, breaking normal protocol, called to demand a last minute meeting with the President. The PM “grudgingly” agreed and was with the Present for an hour and forty minutes. What was discussed? Neither the WH nor the PM met with the media to divulge the purpose or contents of the meeting. What made this most unusual is that Netanyahu is normally quite available to speak with the media. A possible hint as to what may have taken place came the next day when a top State Department official said that the goal of the United States is to pressure Israel into expelling Jews from Judea and Samaria in order to “end the occupation that began in 1967.” (Israel National News). God told Israel not to give up the land that He gave to Israel. American “pressure” to force Israel out of its land will not be a benefit to America, but instead a curse. (Genesis 12:3)

Cursing Israel

“The End of America” (p. 279) quotes Jesse Jackson, before last fall’s election, saying that an elected President Obama would make ‘fundamental changes’ in US foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East, where “decades of putting Israel’s interests first” would end. Jackson said that Zionists will lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House… ‘Barack will change that…he knows how Muslims feel.” How has that worked out so far?

Any fair observer will acknowledge that Jackson’s prediction is being fulfilled, weekly. The most recent anti-Israel actions by this White House include: a.) the appointment as Co-Chairman of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board of a former US Senator (Chuck Hagel) with a “long and troubling record of hostility to Israel”; b.) The release by the U.S. State Department of the 2009 International Religious Freedom Report in which Israel is accused of “oppressing” others by following orthodox Judaism; c.) Secretary of State Clinton in Morocco criticized Israel, saying “As the President has said on many occasions, the United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israel settlements”. What lies ahead for America’s relationship with Israel? God promises he will “curse” those who “curse” Israel (Gen. 12:3).

So Much for Free Speech

This was a difficult week for free speech. Chapter 6 of The End of America looks at the potential for the federal government interfering with free speech rights – by curtailing freedom of the press and by prohibiting “hate speech” by law. Both events occurred this week. First, the White House tried to prohibit Fox News from attending a major news conference (announcement regarding limits on executive pay). Only a refusal to attend by the other five news networks stopped this onslaught on First Amendment freedom of the press. Secondly, the Congress passed and sent to the President the “Federal Hate Crimes Act”. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council said the new law is “part of a radical social agenda that could ultimately silence Christians and use the force of government to marginalize anyone whose faith is at odds with homosexuality.” Persecution of the church by the Daughter of Babylon/America is one of the prophesied end times occurrences that will come before her destruction. (Isaiah 47:1-6)


Five attacks in the last 10 days. Five times the Taliban Jihadists have attacked government and army installations in Pakistan in just over one week. Those numbers are scary, but the CRITICAL NUMBER is the number of NUCLEAR DEVICES in the hands of the Pakistani government. NINETY NUKES. If the Taliban prevails in Pakistan, they will immediately have access to more than enough weapons to bring the DEATH to AMERICA that Jihadists promise in Arab streets on a regular basis.


Events pointing to the future were swirling throughout this week. Here are just a few of the momentous news making events: 1.) Israel’s ability to hold onto its nukes was questioned by those who want to disarm Israel; 2.) General McChrystal was publically muzzled after he called for more troops to fight terrorists in Afghanistan; 3.) The US House passed the Federal Hate Crimes Bill which will lead to the muzzling of Christians who stand for the Biblical view of morality; and 4.) The President, in the midst of making final decisions about the US war against terrorism, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, obviously meant to nudge him away from US acceleration of its efforts against Jihadist terrorists. No thinking Christian can be complacent after the events of this week.

What is the Truth?

In 2007 the US government issued an intelligence report claiming that Iran had “halted” its efforts to produce nuclear weapons. On Sunday a confidential United Nations nuclear agency report was leaked to media claiming that Iran actually has been developing nukes, contrary to the 2007 US report. The relevance of this dangerous discrepancy is that the US has recently claimed that al Qaeda is “shrinking” and is having trouble recruiting young Arabs. However, the Washington Times recently reported that al Qaeda is extending its reach, adding recruits and establishing stronger bases in Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan. What is the truth? Last year the United States Secretary of the Treasury assured Americans that named US Banks were financially strong. We have since learned that the statements were false, and known to be false at the time. Be careful in accepting statements made as truth.


What did the US promise Iran in this week’s secret meetings to cause it to agree to give up nuclear material to Russia for processing by France into nuclear fuel rods? Leaks from the secret negotiations pointed to a “significant” offer/inducement by America to cause Iran to agree to the deal. Ezekiel prophesies that Persia (today’s Iran) and Gog (today’s Russia) will some day seek to invade Israel when it’s at “peace”. These leaked agreements could be the early elements of a “peace” agreement in which Israel gives up its God-given land for peace. Stay tuned.


Those who have read The End of America know that once Israel is forced into signing a peace treaty the stage will literally be set, awaiting the invasion of Israel by Russia, Iran and their allies listed in Ezekiel 38-39. The "Quartet" (US, UN, EU and Russia) on September 25th revealed their approval for a Palestinian "peace plan" that would take land from Israel and give it to a new Palestinian State within two years. We live in difficult times, which are not getting less difficult. The gathering of world leaders together in New York City this week gave further impetus to pushing Israel to give up its land and make "peace". Every peace treaty Israel ever made with another nation has been breached. A sole exception, thus far, is the US-Israel military defense agreement (Attachment B to The End of America). When and if the US stabs Israel in the back and refuses to come to Israel's assitance militarily, the US will be toast. (Genesis 12:3).